Thursday, January 7, 2016

Heat Wave Hit Indian Region Killed 1400 People 88 Degree Deadly Temperature

Heat Wave Hit Indian Region Killed 1400 People

One of the most horrible heat waves in current history is happening in India, with BBC News reporting that more than 14,00 people have died in under a week. The Hindustan Times gossips that most of the victims are building workers, the aged, or the homeless. Local governments are calling for drinking water camps and public instruction campaigns with heat protection tips—measures that aren’t likely to facilitate much. In India, most citizens dying as of the heat are expected too poor to have enough money to take a break from work to cool down. In New Delhi, temperatures were so hot—reaching 113 degrees Fahrenheit—they melted the roads. In Hyderabad, 26 of 31 days this month have been or are forecasted to be hotter than normal.

Indian girls walk home during a hot summer day in Allahabad on May 22, 2015. Nationwide, more than 1,000 people have died during the current heat wave.

A road melts near Safdarjung Hospital after the temperatures rise to 45 degree Celsius during a hot weather as Delhi/NCR experienced yet another scorching day, on May 24, 2015 in New Delhi, India.

Important search Terms:

  • heatwave
  • heatwave india
  • heat wave
  • heat wave in india
  • heat wave deaths in indian
  • indian heat wave deaths

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